Your First Visit – What to expect

Please arrive about 20 minutes early to fill out registration and outcome measure forms. Also, present your x-rays, MRIs, CT scans, and referral and LOG for physiotherapy to our reception team.

Your physiotherapist will start with a discussion about you, your health, and your reasons for requiring rehabilitation. The consultation will take about 60 mins. You will have a thorough health history taken which will not just be about your presenting complaint but also about your past health history. During this time, you will be asked important health and lifestyle questions, your posture will be assessed, and a series of orthopedic and neurological tests carried out.

Thorough Examination

We will then conduct a thorough examination of the neuromusculoskeletal system (nerves, muscles, and joints). Based on the findings the physiotherapist will decide whether you are appropriate to start therapy or if any additional investigations or further medical consultation is necessary.

In summary, the purpose of the initial assessment is to find or confirm the underlying cause of your problem. The aim is to:

  1. Establish the nature and cause of the problem.
  2. Identify any other factors that may be contributing to your pain or dysfunction.
  3. Be certain it is a problem that physiotherapy can help
  4. Treat you if appropriate and, if not, help you to identify another medical or healthcare professional.
  5. Explain the problem, identify rehabilitation goals, and provide essential guidance for early self management

At the end of your examination, the Reception team will arrange a convenient time for you to return to the clinic to start physical therapy treatment.


Ever since my injuries, and having to undergo therapy at Physiocare, i can say that this has been the best experience ever. Simone and her team are to be commended for the time, the effort, and the professional service that they offer. The healing process went so well just because of PhysioCare. Thank you Simone.


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